
Feb 3, 20211 min

The Wednesday Blues

We’ve had many mantras over the years for Bluebird Experience; “Breathe. Believe, Be.”, “Bridging the gap between nature and technology”, Bluebird Babes and “Become a Bluebird Landlord” just to name a few, but none have been catchier and more timeless than

So where did this phrase come from and what does this mean?

The creation of our phrase was pretty simple really. The Bluebird Babes (and gentlemen) needed a way to identify ourselves when we went to check our Bluebird Trails so we all started dressing in blue on our monitoring day (which just so happened to be Wednesday!)

Our Wednesday uniform grew from just the monitoring team to my physicians, hospital staff, family, friends, and even mailperson! People surrounding me would wear blue as a form of encouragement of the Bluebird Project and my story of hope for overcoming the loss cancer causes and my personal journey of becoming a disabled person due to Multiple Sclerosis.

The Eastern Bluebird symbolizes MS with its orange belly and creates hope with its bright blue wings. Whenever I see the blue of a Bluebird, it brings a sparkle to my eyes and warms my heart. It reminds me that every day is a fight to survive because life and loving are worth it. Over the years wearing blue on Wednesdays became symbolic. Wearing blue helped us stand out and form a bond in the community with like minded citizens who care for nature and unity.

So while we wait for the Bluebirds to return, for warmer weather, and for healthier times, join us in wearing Blue on Wednesdays to remember everything is going to be alright!!

Bluebird Blessings,

